community spotlight 
why are you so cute? it's the only good thing my momma did for me. who are your top three lady heroes? our lady, elizabeth warren, because she's a badass, carrie fisher, god rest her soul, and elvira mistress of the dark. when you were little, what did you want to be? pretty much just not in the middle of nowhere. who do you think should run for president in two years? literally anyone. even if the next election isn't technically until 2020. i'm here for a warren/obama/sanders administration. i'm not sure how it'd work, but i want it. what’s the best book you’ve read so far this year? ever? how much will people judge me if i say that i haven't read any books this year? there's been a lot of shit going on. i haven't had time. what makes you feel afraid? probably a whole hell of a lot less than is personally healthy, if i'm being honest. i am not great at making life choices. what’s your most embarrassing childhood memory? we're not going to talk about that. if only because i mostly refuse to acknowledge the fact that my childhood was a thing. if you had the option of adopting a baby fox or baby koala, which one would you choose? why is this the hardest goddamn question so far? this isn't fair. what’s your dream job? professional puppy petter. but i guess where i work now is pretty cool. maybe. just a little. who is your favorite mythological god/goddess? do you have any regrets? probably not nearly as many as i should, but there's definitely a few things in my past i would change if i had the opportunity. if there was one thing, one lesson, you could tell the world, what would it be? it's pretty fucking simple: just don't be a dick. who was your first crush? zack morris. he was a dreamboat. if you had to choose between using internet explorer forever, or permanently using an aol e-mail address, which one would it be? wait... do either of those things exist anymore? i guess i'd be stuck with the aol address? what do you love about yourself most? i have a great ass and i'm pretty comfortable with the person i grew up to be. what don’t you like so much? the fact that i'm not married to alexander skarsgard, for starters. which house would you belong to in game of thrones? like, very honestly. targaryen, without a fucking doubt. if you got a (new) tattoo, what would it be of? i keep thinking i should go get tattooed, but i haven't really had the time recently. not that i've really thought about what the hell i'd get. i have no idea. i'm awful at this. what would you like to eat for your last meal? a bucket of kfc original recipe, red lobster's cheddar bay biscuits, a ceasar salad, kraft mac and cheese and two pints of ben and jerry's phish food ice cream. i'm assuming i'm going to be executed, so i might as well make it worth it. if you had to be on a reality tv show, which one would you choose? road rules. whatever happened to road rules? is it still around? is mtv still around? real jeans or jeggings? it depends entirely on what i'm wearing. who has influenced you the most?
who's your favorite landlord?

oh. wait... were you expecting a different answer?
what do you do in your spare time that most people wouldn't expect? when i'm all alone, i like to turn the lights down low, put on some slow jams, light some candles and... crochet. that's right, i crochet shit that would make your grandma proud. do you collect anything? vintage jewelry, anthropomorphic taxidermy, sheet music from classic horror movies and miscellaneous junk that i buy on a whim because it's fucking cool and i want it.
if you could be friends with any fictional character, who would you choose and why? jigsaw. i don't think i should have to explain myself. what five songs are you currently obsessed with? ryan adams, doomsday, brian fallon nobody wins, lizzo & caroline smith let 'em say, sister sparrow & the dirty birds mama knows, zz ward put the gun down. if you can magically pick up any talent or hobby and be good at it, what would it be? what if i'm already good at everything i want to be good at? i mean, i've got the bartending and the music thing dialed in, and that's all i really care about. i could probably be a better driver, though?
what book has influenced you the most? i very nearly just copied and pasted the response i put to faith's question here, but i'm gonna make ya work for it instead. what did you want to be when you were growing up? i grew up in a small ass town where people's biggest aspirations are to either be a waitress at the local greasy spoon or to just get the fuck out. i got out. and i got to be a rockstar for a while. so that was pretty cool. if you could master one skill you don't have right now, what would it be? you know, when i was answering this for naomi, i couldn't come up with anything, but i think i would like to learn how to swallow swords. i did teach myself how to eat fire when i was super young and living in jersey, but it's been a while since i did that.
what's the furthest you've ever been on holiday? when i first got married, a million years ago, we honeymooned in the maldives. it was pretty rad and in hindsight, probably the high point of our marriage. what's your favorite swear word? fuck, because it's versatile and can be combined with damn near any other word to make a fun compound. also, cockwomble. british people are adorable. if you could learn any language fluently what would it be? i guess i'd just like my spanish to be better? i lived in texas for long enough that i picked up enough to be conversationally passible, but that's about it.